Your trailer makes it possible to haul cargo safely and securely. However, there are probably times where you don’t need to use your trailer for a period of time, so you’ll want to store it. Proper trailer storage is important because you want to make sure that you’re doing whatever you can to protect your investment. Here are some tips on how to safely store your trailer for a short or long time.

Choose a Secure Place

It’s best to store your trailer indoors in a locked facility if at all possible; a locking garage or shed on your property works well, as does a rented storage unit. However, if you can’t put your trailer indoors, at least store it out of view of the street and under a snug-fitting waterproof cover.

Lubricate Trailer Parts

Over time, the parts on your trailer can become stiff and rusty, which can lead to damage. Lubricating the moving parts on your trailer before you store it can help to keep those parts moving and prevent corrosion.

Attend to the Tires

Airing up the tires on your trailer can help to prevent damage to them. You can also spray a protective coating over the rubber to reduce the risk of cracks forming. If you plan to store your trailer for a long time, you may want to raise it up off its tires using concrete blocks or wooden beams, so that the weight of the trailer isn’t putting pressure on the tires.

When you’re ready to take a look at our great selection of new and used trailers for sale, visit our dealership in Hewitt, TX. Flat Rock Trailers serves our Texas customers in the cities of Waco and Killeen.